Equipment Status


Measurement Room and Measuring Instrument

측정실 및 계측기 보유현황
Name of Item Quantity of Unit Size Maker
3D Measuring Instrument 1ea 600×800×1000 Carl Zeiss
Shape, Roughness Tester 1 - OPTACOM
Form Tester 1 MMQ-400 Mahr
2D Measuring Instrument 2 - TESA
Rockwell Hardness Tester 1 DTR-100 Daekyung Tech
PROJECTOR 1 250×450 Mitutoyo
Roughness Tester 1 Ra 1000 Mitutoyo
Block GAUGE 2SET 0.5-100 Mitutoyo
granite plate 0 2 1000×1500 Kumkang Precision
Portable Hardness 1 HH411 Mitutoyo
MICROMETER Etc. 120 ea - Mitutoyo